SPATHE had a great time supporting AFCEA’s TechNet Conference in Fort Liberty, NC! The goal of this Symposium was to ...
SPATHE is comprised of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in developing, implementing, and managing C5I systems. We understand the critical role that these systems play in modern defense operations and are committed to delivering solutions that enhance operational efficiency, situational awareness, and decision-making capabilities. We offer advanced command and control solutions that ensure seamless communication and coordination across various defense units. Our systems are designed to provide real-time data sharing and situational awareness, enabling commanders to make informed decisions swiftly and effectively.
Alignment to the C5I Framework
Hover or Click on any of the icons below to read more.
Alignment to the C5I Framework
Tap on any of the icons below to read more about our C5ISR capabilities!

Spathe Systems assists a secure, reliable, 24x7x365 global Command, Control, Computer, Cyber, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C5ISR) Environment.
Spathe Systems will help you modernize your organization to a Cloud Computing environment. We will bring our experience transforming DOD clients like yourself by guiding you through all phases of the transition including assessment of your current environment, recommend solutions with IAAS industry leaders, implementing the solutions, assessing your current application catalog and identifying those that could modernize to a container environment, and modernizing the applications. Spathe Systems has direct relationships with Amazon, Microsoft, Pivotal, IBM, Google, Red Hat and various other Cloud services and technology providers, and these relationships ensure that SPATHE is situated to provide you with the highest level of support. Spathe can leverage our cloud experience to assist with completing the following:
- Develop a best practice prioritization criterion for application assessments and obtain government approval of the criteria.
- Assess applications and their associated data stores in government designated priority order and determine the modernization requirements for each application. These requirements may include rehosting on IaaS, refactoring for PaaS, revising for IaaS or PaaS, rebuilding on PaaS, or replacing with SaaS based on cost, schedule and/or performance factors.
- Collaborate with application developers, functional leads and program offices to obtain information on application programming language, functions, programming Interfaces (APIs), server-client relationships, data structure, system dependencies, and other data points as needed to complete the assessments.
- Identify dependencies required for modernizing applications to operate on a private cloud.
- Identify standards for how applications are to be developed in accordance with industry best practices for cloud security.
- Upon request, provide guidance and assistance to local developers who are refactoring, revising, or rebuilding their applications and/or performing application testing or validation steps prior to delivering containerized applications for operation on the private cloud.
Spathe Systems will partner with you to determine answers to your most complex IT problems. As a Systems and Solutions integrator, we can assess your current environment and identify opportunities for efficiencies, provide proposed courses of action for the challenges you are facing and upgrading your ecosystem. Spathe has the knowledge, skills and ability to help you find solutions to support your environment and bring together the systems, hardware and software to integrate effectively.
- Network Cabling Infrastructure upgrades and installation
- AV/ VTC upgrade and installation
- Software and Hardware upgrades and installations
- Hardware lifecycle replacement (CERP)
- Mobile Workforce Solutions Integration
Spathe Systems provides skilled resources to keep small and large scale IT operations available and accessible to the customer. Spathe’s team of multi-discipline IT professionals provide C5 enterprise level services in support of customer operations. Private or public Local and Wide Area Networks and the associated services (email, portal, collaboration, information management) are dynamic and complex operations that are essential to the customer’s mission. Spathe has the professionals and industry partner relationships to alleviate the operations and maintenance burden from the customer so the customer can focus on the core mission.
- IT event management processes that focuses on detecting specific, pre-defined events rather than general event monitoring
- IT incident management that is goal oriented on restoring services to the customer as fast as possible with minimal impact to operations
- IT problem management that prevents problems from occurring, eliminates or reduces recurring incidents, and minimizes incident severity
- Desk-Side support services that support client image management, hardware/software configuration management, VTC management, and end user Information Assurance related activities
- Field Service support that covers the customers area of operations
- Server management providing Tier I and II troubleshooting and server life cycle support from commissioning to decommissioning
- Network management of firewalls, routers, data and voice switches, virtual private networks and virtual private clouds
- Service Desk support that provides frontline – single point of contact for the myriad of enterprise services.
Hover over any of the icons below to read more about each DevSecOps Security Protocol Procedure
Spathe Systems can help to transform your organization and modernize your application development towards a DEVSECOPS focus, and to capture the value that it brings – the speed, agility, and flexibility to deliver faster. Transitioning to an application development approach with security and operations in mind at the outset will help to reduce the cycle times of development and decrease the re-work inherent in a traditional development approach. Spathe Systems can help to create a Certification process using as much automation as possible to provide easily consumable Cyber Security verification documentation to aid in rapid decisions of application net worthiness.
We Offer In-Depth Devsecops Training:
“Dev” training includes:
- Agile/Scrum software development principles and practices
- Microservices Architecture and software development principles
- Container software development principles in relation to Greenfield development of new applications and modernization of monolithic applications into
containers - Microservices based database development for High-Availability (HA)
- Test Driven Development principles and processes
- CI/CD Pipeline review
“Sec” training includes:
- Container Security principles (Dev Scanning, PROD Support, Remediation, etc.)
- Application STIG requirements and certificate of Net Worthiness process
- Software Defined Networking and associated security
“Ops” training includes:
- Explanation and examples of selected container orchestration tools
- Traceability of requirements from Product Owners to Development along with Test Driven Development Principles as it relates to functionality requirements
Spathe Systems provides expert application and database developers for customers to leverage modern software application development methodologies to create tailored solutions to unique problems. By combining DevSecOps and Agile approaches, Spathe can develop solutions that iteratively answer the customer’s needs without compromising security. The key to Spathe’s success is our continuous engagement and involvement of the customer as the Product Owner throughout the development process.
Our Project Team orchestrates application development adhering to the following industry best practices:
- Representational State Transfer (REST) Architecture that leverages stateless micro-services
- reduces operational overhead
- provides scalability
- enables focused development teams to work in parallel
- Specialized Development team skillsets that focus on development of application components to meet the customer’s current and future requirements
- Certified Scrum Masters to lead overall project, prioritize requirements, and run development Sprints
- Senior Application Developers versed in multiple development languages to collaborate across teams, preform code reviews and ensure highest quality coding methodology
- An approach that embraces the use of micro-services and containerization to enable code reuse and ensure light weight modular applications
- Product Owner engagement throughout the process from development of a Minimally Viable Product, to Fully Operational Capability and sustainment, inclusive of the integration of new requirements and capabilities
SPATHE has positioned itself as a premier provider of Cybersecurity services to Combatant Commands, Intelligence Agencies and Multi-nation Coalitions by embodying the five functions of the framework. We have developed robust scalable models based on doctrine, processes, and procedures to Identify threats, foster relationship with best of class solution providers to offer Protection products and solutions to safeguard our customers operations. We lean on our experience, personnel and practical application of technology to facilitate quick Detection, Response, and Recovery during and after an Incident.
- Cyber security experts who understand the Risk Management Framework and will guide our customers through the process
- Application developers with a security first mind set who fully embrace and understand the DEVSECOPs methodology
- Network engineers who can help you design and maintain a defense in depth approach to secure your data
- Security minded System Engineers capable designing, configuring, deploying and sustaining secure and reliable solutions to address customer complex IT requirements
Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (AISR)
Spathe Systems has extensive AISR experience and will help you manage your AISR infrastructure with our team of expert system and satellite engineers. Spathe can provide a team of professionals to monitor, control, and configure your global satellite communication network including forward deployed satellite earth terminals and embedded network communications equipment. Our goal is to ensure end-to-end transport of Full Motion Video (FMV) and other ISR payloads. Spathe provides services such as the following in support of AISR:
- Continuously monitor network and space segment performance to provide customer tier 1, 2, and 3 support as required.
- Monitor and report on the quality of user FMV
- Manage service restoration activities and track/update trouble-ticketing system
- Resolve customer issues related to broadband IP communication via satellite transmission, as well as support complex systems installations and startup at customer sites
- Monitor and test network performance and provide network performance statistics and reports
- Aid in the development of business continuity and disaster recovery plans, and maintain current knowledge of plan executables