As we bid farewell to another remarkable year, it is time to reflect on the journey we have undertaken together ...
As a Veteran Owned Small business with decades of DoD and SOF-specific experience across our Senior Leadership and throughout our company workforce, SPATHE Systems inherently understands the role that identifying, integrating, and retaining talented team members plays in creating and sustaining successful organizations. Through our Workforce Modernization Program, we continually explore every possible avenue to identify talent from the defense, commercial and academic industries to improve and maintain the SOF workforce, now and for the future.
As a part of this effort, we have established partnerships with Academic institutions in order to create pathways for talented young people who are trained on the latest cutting-edge innovative technologies to support the SOF community in ways other than direct military service. Our Workforce Modernization program is tailored to the growing need for a diverse workforce, and we invest our resources into several opportunities that help equip these men and women prior to entering the job market.
The Process
The Process

We will create a custom training plan for each Workforce Incubator instance as it relates to your approved annual recommendations while ensuring the following is always included and takes place:
- Overview of your specific mission and technology needs
- DoD Security standards and Security requirements (OpSec, ComSec, etc)
- Agile/Scrum management and development principles
- Coordination with the developers, functional leads, program offices or other technology leaders that have been identified as having technology gaps that will be supported by the Workforce Incubator program.
- Assurance that the Workforce Incubator program is targeting the identified gaps and fulfilling the need for the new skillset as identified by the associated developers, functional leads, program offices or other technology leaders
- Complete clearance initiation for all new Workforce Incubator candidates with the goal of interim clearance being completed by the end of the incubation period each year
- Provide workspace, laptops, and associated IT equipment required for the team to function
Internship Programs
We are fully committed to building a stronger and more modernized workforce and that starts with young professionals like you! Our internship programs provide young academia the opportunity to transfer their learned skills into applicable, hands on work supporting the public and private sectors. As part of our workoforce modernization program, Spathe interns work with industry professionals on real projects that satisfy company goals while also broadening their skillsets.
Over the course of your internship, you will assist Spathe SMEs on projects that further company goals while simultaneously broadening your skillsets. Tailored to your interests and career goals, Spathe will assist all interns with attaining required certifications, clearances, any other required training needed to advance their careers. Our interns leave well equipped with the latest technology trends and are more eligible for more advanced opportunities within their industries.
Spathe’s Workforce Incubator
Formed as a way to address the growing need for a specific skillset that satisfies public sector requirements, our workforce incubator is our method of training young talent (both at the high school and college level) on latest industry standards while also filling in potential skill gaps. Our interns walk away with unique experience that competitively position them for job opportunities within DOD, including USSOCOM, TSOCs, and Components.
SPATHE’s Intern Incubation process grows our interns’ careers while creating a stronger, more capable workforce

SPATHE Mobile Training/Education Teams
Spathe’s Mobile Training Team (MTT) provides students hands-on DevSecOps training. Students condense the critical elements of modern, containerized cloud-based architecture into a balanced set of frequently used and functional components that establish an integrated, reusable framework baseline to launch application development efforts featuring Agile methodologies, RESTful architecture, and CI/CD pipelines.
Spathe Systems currently has 43 general officers on our staff serving as part-time and executive subject matter expert consultants. These generals served in the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force services with varying ranks from Brigadier, Major, and Lieutenant Generals.
As part of the Joint Special Operations University (JSOU), our personnel support as Executive Subject Matter Experts during numerous courses, seminars, and major joint training exercises across the globe. These include but are not limited to Special Operations Pre-Command Courses, Theater Special Operations Commanders Course, Fuerzas Comando (Comando Forces) Strategic seminars, Irregular Warfare seminars, and Component Command directed joint and partner forces culminating training events.
Military Fellowship Programs
We area Service Disabled, Veteran Owned Small Business committed to providing support, coaching, and mentorship to transitioning military veterans as they navigate the next chapters of their personal and professional lives. Military skills don’t always transition to a resume and we understand that. Through our wide range of military support programs, we aim to provide military veterans (both wounded and not wounded) with an internship support program that is tailored to fit their needs and fills in the skill gaps necessary to dominate the professional/corporate landscape.

Internship Period
up to 179 Days

Tailored to
Your Interests

Immersive Learning
Throughout the course of the internship, you will work hands on with Spathe employees on real tasks for the mutual goals of professional development. Fellowship members are exposed to a variety of departments within our organization that are custom to the intern’s goals and interests. This can include working with Program Managers, App Developers, HR staff, etc. Each member is given complete flexibility to explore multiple opportunities that will broaden their expertise and ultimately increase their competitive edge in the job market.
This article does not constitute an endorsement of Spathe Systems, LLC by the Department of Defense or U.S. Special Operations Command.
Academic Partnerships
To support our Workforce Modernization program, we have established partnerships with multiple universities across the Tampa bay to create a pipeline for both students and veterans to grow their careers with real hands-on work supporting the defense industry.
Florida A&M University
Team Spathe partnered with Florida A&M University (FAMU), a historically black university located in Tallahassee, Florida to provide students with internship opportunities throughout our company. We offer FAMU Students the opportunity to support an effort that matters while also garnering a vast variety of skills.
University of Tampa
Our partnership with the University of Tampa provides a flexible internship opportunity for students to gain working knowledge of the internal structure and processes of a DoD-Focused Small Business and to gain practical work experience based on their individual areas of academic study, existing skills, and personal interests.
University of Florida
This strategic collaboration between USF and SPATHE is set to transform the landscape of career development for veteran students enrolled at USF by offering them the unique opportunity to apply their studies with engaging hands-on projects for Spathe. This not only contributes to the advancement of the defense sector but also facilitates the expansion of USF students' careers in alignment with their academic pursuits.
Hillsborough Community College
Spathe recently teamed up with HCC's A.S. Radio and Television Broadcast Programming program to establish an internship for HCC students to practice their AV and broadcasting skills in a real-world environment. These interns work alongside members of team SPATHE to assist USSOCOM's Joint Special Operations University with AV and broadcasting support.